GoT Food Extravaganza!!!~~~~

Season three premier of Game of Thrones was last night.  Oh Ma Gawd......  I love the show.  That's all I have to say about that...

Well, I own the loverly A Feast of Fire and Ice cookbook (and I frequent the blog quite often) and I decided that for the much anticipated premier, that I would make a bunches of foods.  And I did....  if you count four things 'bunches' hahaha

Be warned.... this post is picture heavy and foodgasmic.  You have been warned...

So here be the final product....  minus the lovely dessert.

Mmmm... Ommegang Iron Throne Pale Ale.  It
was quite delicious, and I am not a big beer
person at all.  So that's saying something...
And here is how all that yumminess came into being...  Most of the foods mentioned from here on out can be found on the Inn at the Crossroads food blog.  If not in there, then they can be found in the fore mentioned book, written by the lovely ladies who run said blog!

 I started with the brown oat bread!  Since it has rising etc times, it was good to begin with!!!   I was going to use the steel cut oats (pictured left) but then I found the old fashioned ones hiding in the cupboard.  It smelled so good.... hot molasses being soaked into the oats.... yum!!!  Then the yeast makes it all yummy and bubbly!  Now I want to go get another slice......

After the lovely bread was placed in the oven, and in turn making the house smell AMAZING, I got started on the medieval applecakes.  My friend Jill helped with this part!  

 As the pastry dough was rising, the filling got done.  Oh man... I swear, the spices added to these apples were so good.   Cinnamon-y with a bite!  Its from those lovely little things called Grains of Paradise..  And the 'strong powder' that goes on them! It made more than enough filling, so I'm sure I'll be making something else with the left overs... Or I'll just eat it by itself.  But a cobbler does sound good with it.  Then again, so does just sticking a spoon into the bowl.  Hmmm... decisions decisions....   Then, after everything is puffed up, and cooked up, the assembly happened.  Sorry, was too busy chatting during that part.  Then the frying came!  And like the cookbook said, these are the medieval version of doughnuts.  And they were so tasty!  But alas, those were for dessert, not for dinner.... we snuck some in our gobs anyway!

 Then came the star of the show.  Seriously.  This was delicious.  The medieval beef and bacon pie.  Let me just say, I love meat pies to begin with.  This one, with the hint of saffron in the crust, and the sweetness of the fruits cooked in with the tartness of the vinegar....  Foodgasm.  That's all that can be said.
 Then, while that baked, filling the house with even more delicious smells, the carrots got their treatment!  Roman Carrots.  4th century recipe.  They were different.  Good, not what I was expecting, but rather tasty.  I'm glad I omitted the fish sauce though.  They were really good as they were!  

And, around the same time, since this is when the meal was all starting to come together, I slices up that lovely brown oatbread.  Oh it smelled so good.  Nice and dense, perfect with this meal.

Finished pie!!!  It was so tasty!!!  I highly recommend going and getting the recipe and eating it for yourself!


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