
Showing posts from November, 2012

Halloween 2012 - Witch's Apothecary

So, this year I have been quite crafty, with tons of ideas swimming around in my little head.  Some of them made it to fruition this year too! So, the whole shebang: So, our whole front living room was transformed into a pseudo Apothecary, using tidbits of ideas I had found throughout the web as well as things that popped into my head.  Also, since I work at a liquor store (and love collecting bottles anyway) I have quite the collection of different bottles that I was able to work with. Close-ups of the mantle.  The glasses (I have a set of 8) were left overs from a bunch of makers mark gift sets that didn't sell last holiday season, and we (the workers) got to buy them.  ((By the way... Robin Hood Men in Tights is playing right now... at the singing part...  heheh)) So, I don't remember what the blue bottle was, it was an imported nice wine, which then became the "Life Renewal Potion."  An empty bottle of 360 Vodka became a "Life Sucking ...

And it begins...

So, first blog post.  Actually, I'm pretty excited to do this, and hopefully it will encourage me to finish projects after starting them...  especially within a reasonable time limit...  I'm bad about that sometimes.  For instance, a it has been over a year since I started my first quilt and I have yet to finish it...  But hand-quilting a full size quilt is rather time consuming operation...